
Binance Account Bound (BAB) is the first-ever Soulbound Token (SBT) built on BNB Smart Chain.

It will be displayed on user wallets to underline that they have completed KYC. The token will, in effect, certify the user’s verified status on Binance and will be available for use by third-party protocols.

Combining BAB and Collectify, here are some powerful use scenarios and examples.

Collectify x BAB Whitelist Giveaway Tool

Collectify supports anyone to create a whitelist raffle for BAB holders only to avoid bots.

The steps:

  1. Select ‘BNBChain’ and create a new giveaway.
  2. In the ‘Required Hold Token(s)’, select ‘ERC721(NFT)’ and click BAB. Collectify will automatically fill in the BAB contract information.



Collectify x BAB NFT Minting Tool

Collectify supports anyone to generate NFT minting event airdrops to BAB holders' whitelist address. The tool supports ERC721 / ERC721A / SBT already and will support ERC1155 very soon.


Collectify x BAB Community Portal Tool

Collectify supports anyone creating a BAB holder portal and releases news/events for BAB holders only.

Collectify x BAB DAO Voting Tool

Collectify supports a free voting tool in the portal, allowing only BAB holders to participate in the voting, and each BAB has one voting power. Since BAB's identity is verified by Binance already, this will help DAOs prevent Sybil attacks.

Collectify x BAB Survey Tool

Collectify supports anyone creating a survey in that only BAB holders can participate.