How to Mint your NFTs on a Minting Site

Open the NFT minting page.

  1. Connect your wallet to the Collectify site.

Please make sure the blockchain of your wallet matches the NFT blockchain.

  1. Enter the number of NFTs you want to mint. Click the ‘Minting’ button.

🌟If the number exceeds the max mint number allowed, the ‘Minting’ button will be disabled.


  1. Minting action requires your signature. Make sure you have enough balance for the mint price and gas fee.

You may click ‘blockchain explorer’ to check your transaction process.

After the transaction is successfully processed on the blockchain, you may find the newly minted NFT(s) in your wallet.


  1. If the minting is not alive yet when you enter the page, you may ‘Follow’ this NFT collection.


    Click ‘Collector’ on the top of the page to enter your dashboard.

    All your followed NFT collections will be listed here🥳

    Click the Status to enter the page!
